In the UK, for instance, you can get a Tesco Hudl with the latest version of Android OS, install an advanced mixing desk on it and you already have a virtual mixing desk which will not fill up most of your workspace and can be used to play Plants vs. It will be less clunky, can provide you with more functionality and usage, and may even turn out cheaper. This is because you can actually have a dedicated computer to serve as your mixing desk, whether it’s a Mac, PC, or even a tablet. We discussed a good reason why I believe mixing desks are not needed anymore. Virtual Mixing Desks Compared To Traditional Mixing Desks This is primarily because most of what you need to do can be done inside a computer. Is there a use for mixing desks now that we have different applications and the like? I opined that mixing desks are not as useful nowadays and that they’re bound to become extinct in the future. Izabela asked me about the need for mixing desks nowadays. In a mixing desk we also have the following knobs that we can twist to change the EQ (equalisation) low frequencies, mid or high, the gain which turns the volume of the source up and down, pan from left to right, and on really advanced radio station mixing desks AUX sends and REC sends for recording to other audio sources. The channels may be microphone 1, microphone 2, a feed from the radio station news service, or a feed from your computer, a telephone or Skype among others. So, you might have a mixing desk with 6 channels. The fader is a little piece of plastic (or metal of you have a luxury edition) that you move up and down to increase or decrease the volume of a certain source. It’s simple, a mixing desk was created to mix audio on a desk which has faders. We started the episode addressing a question by Izabela by shedding some light on what a mixing desk is and why it was created.

It’s Izabela’s idea to tackle mixing desks and their current trends and possible use in this day and age of advanced technology. In this episode we talked about mixing desks in general.